Fee Schedule and Insurance Billing
Weathervane is an in-network provider with Blue Cross of Idaho, Regence, Pacific Source, and St. Luke's Health Partners
Before you come in:
Please fill out the new patient paperwork.
Make sure to have a little bite to eat before you come for your treatment. You don’t need to be super full, but getting a treatment on an empty stomach can feel crummy.
Please refrain from wearing scents or perfumes, as some patients are sensitive to scents.
Wear comfy, loose clothing.
Once you get here:
Expect to be in the office for approximately an hour. New patients can expect an hour and a half.
We’ll have a chat about your health, past and present.
I will check your pulse and take a look at your tongue to help form a diagnosis and treatment plan.
I will gently insert hair-thin, single-use, sterile needles to regulate your body’s vital energy or Qi.
You may feel a small prick when the needle is inserted. You may also feel a heaviness or a gathering sensation near the needle. Please let me know if you are uncomfortable or if something is painful.
The needles will stay in for about 30 minutes, during which time most people fall asleep or meditate.
Your treatment may also include massage or cupping, if necessary.
After you leave:
Generally, people feel relaxed after an acupuncture treatment.
It’s not recommended to drink alcohol or engage in rigorous physical activity right after a treatment.
If you have any questions or concerns, or if anything comes up for you after your treatment, please contact me.